Rikett Quartz Tile (RQT) offers multiple benefits over other commercial flooring options, both in quality and convenience. Quartz tile flooring is easy to preserve with little more than routine cleaning and basic maintenance. That doesn’t mean, however, that these floors never wear out. Even the most resilient flooring materials are subject to the wear and tear of continual foot traffic, especially in busy areas like main corridors and entrances. We use the 80/20 rule to describe the typical wear pattern of most flooring. The “80/20 rule” means that 80% of foot traffic occurs in about 20% of the flooring areas.
What does the 80/20 rule have to do with recoating no-wax commercial flooring? Read on, and we’ll explain.
Why RQT Doesn’t Need Wax
Many tile floors require wax to keep the finish smooth and clean. Others use a no-wax finish, but if the coating is silicon-based, it can make it difficult for new finishes or coatings to adhere to the surface. This issue is not a concern with RQT. Rikett tiles come with a factory-applied layer of Rikettseal™, a UV-cured polyurethane coating. This protective coating contributes significantly to the durability and cost-effectiveness of RQT. It is easy and inexpensive to recoat when necessary.
When to Reapply the Protective Coating
The fact that it is easy to reapply the polyurethane coating is all well and good, but when do you need to do it? This is where the 80/20 rule comes into play. Low-traffic areas may never need another layer of Rikettseal™. For example, in a school, classrooms don’t see the same level of foot traffic that entrances and corridor intersections do, so regular cleaning will be enough to keep them in good condition. The hallways and entrances, on the other hand, are another story. Because they experience near-constant foot traffic, the protective coating will wear down over time. Typically, we recommend refreshing the polyurethane coating every 5 to 7 years.
RQT: Resilient and Affordable Commercial Flooring
When it comes to resilient and affordable commercial flooring, nothing can compete with RQT. The natural hardness of quartz combined with the protective power of Rikettseal™ create a surface that can last as long as the building with simple routine maintenance.