The employees and healthcare providers at assisted living facilities take their responsibility to care for the elderly seriously. Everything in an assisted living facility, including the flooring, has to be directed toward caring for the elderly residents. In a place where people are residents as well as patients, there are no design decisions that do not affect everyone. When it comes to flooring for assisted living facilities, several factors should be considered, but three features should be at the forefront of your decision-making.
Everything matters when it comes to assisted living flooring. Here are three critical aspects to consider when selecting a flooring material.
Safety is the top priority for any residential facility, especially when the residents are elderly. Selecting the right flooring material will greatly improve the safety of both the residents and the staff. Cracked or chipped tiles can easily become trip hazards, so durability is crucial. Areas like hallways and entrances will also see a lot of foot traffic, as well as wheelchairs and medical equipment. A durable flooring material will ensure everyone’s safety.
Although you may not consider décor to be a top-tier concern, it should be given significant weight when making your decision. An assisted living facility should be welcoming to residents and visitors alike, so you don’t want to choose drab and depressing flooring. Flooring that comes in warm colors and appealing patterns should have the edge over less attractive options.
Keeping the facility clean is also a top priority. Not only is it better to live and work in a clean environment, but it’s also crucial to keep everyone healthy. Germs and bacteria can hide in the cracks and crevices of the floor, so larger tiles are better because they have fewer seams between tiles. Hard, non-porous surfaces are also easier to clean and sanitize because they don’t absorb liquids.
Rikett Quartz Tile for Assisted Living Floors
If you’re looking for a flooring material that meets all these criteria, Rikett Quartz Tile fits the bill. Our large-format tiles come in several colors and designs, and quartz is a resilient, easy-to-clean material. Whether you are building a new facility or refreshing an existing one, Rikett Quartz Tile is the ideal flooring choice for assisted living.