Last year, we celebrated our 70-year anniversary at Rikett Flooring. Rikett began in 1952 in Bergen, Norway, and even then, the founders were ahead of their time. In an era when asbestos and other harmful chemicals were commonplace, Rikett’s founders brought their enlightened environmental vision to the commercial flooring industry with Rikett Quartz Tile.
Commercial flooring has changed a lot in 70 years. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant changes.
Better Materials
In the 1950s, the most common flooring materials were linoleum and vinyl. Now we know those materials have negative environmental impacts because of their high levels of toxic emissions. Quartz is an innocuous and abundant natural material that is naturally hard, making it an excellent flooring material. Throughout our company’s history, we’ve also improved on Rikett Quartz Tile with finishes like Rikettseal™ that make our floors resilient and low-maintenance.
Improved Manufacturing Process
In the decades since our founding, we have found new ways to increase the efficiency and sustainability of our manufacturing process. Lower energy consumption and sustainable materials are examples of how we have improved our manufacturing process, but there are plenty more. Minimizing our environmental impact has been a priority for Rikett from the beginning.
More Design Choices
Quartz tile is commonly used for commercial flooring because it is strong and durable, but initially, it was also because of the limited design and color choices. In the early days of quartz flooring, there were only a few color options available, and they weren’t considered to be particularly attractive. Now, we have many color options in three different styles, allowing for colorful and versatile designs. The wide range of colors makes quartz tile an attractive choice for places like hospitals, schools, and student housing where creating a welcoming environment is important.
70 Years of Sustainable Commercial Flooring with Rikett
We are proud to provide our customers with a product that has a positive environmental impact, meets their needs, and looks great. For 70 years, our customers have been more than satisfied with our quality products and competitive prices. We hope to continue our mission of making quality, sustainable flooring for the next 70 years and beyond!